Welcome to our newest member, Dennis G. Wojahn! Dennis is a Retired CPA and Tax Attorney. He was first inducted into Rotary in 1981 in Menasha, WI. He was a member of the Green Bay Rotary Club from 1986-2021. He was named a Paul Harris Fellow in Green Bay in 1990-1991 and made an Honorary member of their Club in 2021. Dennis has served as Club Treasurer, President-Elect, Assistant District Governor, President-Nominee, and a Club Board member. His hobbies include golf and cross country skiing. Dennis is a member of Wisconsin Institute of CPAs; American Institute of CPAs; Wisc. Bar Assoc; Brown County Bar Assoc; and NE Wisc. Estate Planning Council. He and his wife, Karen, have two children, Laura and Patrick. They enjoy a vacation home in Fish Creek, WI. Welcome, Dennis; we are so pleased you have joined the Golden Valley Rotary Club!