Cyber Scams and How to Avoid Them
Mar 26, 2024 12:15 PM
Bret Erickson, co-owner of Passkey Technology
Cyber Scams and How to Avoid Them

After co-founding, drumming, touring and recording in Minnesota band Mango Jam, Bret's second career started by going back to school. He spent a year at Brown Institute for PC/LAN and another year for Computer Programming. During school in 1998, he started interning for Passkey and ended up staying, falling in love with the relationships and challenges with small and medium business technology. Bret sits on several boards and technology committees. He is a formation committee member for the NSITSP (National Society of IT Service Providers), a local campus IT task force, a non-profit foundation, an IT grant giving committee, and an Insurance industry Automation Committee. Bret also sat on the board for the Association for Corporate Growth, Minnesota Chapter where he headed the Social Media and Innovation committee.  He enjoys speaking on IT, innovation, and most of all CyberSecurity.

Passkey Technology is an IT Service Provider and CyberSecurity firm in Golden Valley, MN. We specialize in providing consulting and 24/7 support services for small and medium businesses. We can help with security, business continuity, backup strategy, disaster recovery, planning, monitoring, maintaining, purchasing, installing, and general IT support; remote and on-site.